Savage 2
5 CommentsPosted by Limpy on January 20, 2011 under ReviewsSavage 2 is a free to play MMO launched by S2 Games on January 16, 2008. The game is a sequel to Savage: The Battle for Newerth and offers elements of FPS, RTS, and of course, RPG style gameplay. The premise is centered around the battle between the game’s two main factions, which are the Legion of Man and the Beast Horde. Teams meet on a large ... more. -
League of Legends
1 CommentsPosted by Limpy on January 19, 2011 under ReviewsLeague of Legends is a somewhat unique FTP MMO that combines MMORGP and strategy elements into a fun and visually pleasing gameplay experience. Developed by Riot games and designed by two of the developers that created its predecessor, the game offers a very familiar scene for players who enjoyed the Defense of the Ancients map in the popular Warcra... more. -
Alliance of Valiant Arms
3 CommentsPosted by Limpy on January 18, 2011 under ReviewsWhen it comes to tactical free to play FPS MMOs, the selections are surprisingly slim when it comes to free options, but that number is growing rapidly. For players that are use to high end graphics of the newer games that are hitting the FPS market today, want a high base of players, and high playability, Alliance of Valiant Arms from IJJI is a great option. The game offers a variety of sce... more. -
0 CommentsPosted by Limpy on January 17, 2011 under ReviewsBattleForge is a rather unique MMORPG in that it is a card based game. The overall design of the game is somewhat of a mixture of a traditional card collecting RPG, such as Yu-Gi-Oh or Magic the Gathering and Warcraft style gameplay, and the end result is a fantastic game that has a huge fanbase. BattleForge, developed by Electronic Arts, has been ... more. -
Ragnarok Online
3 CommentsPosted by Limpy on January 14, 2011 under ReviewsRagnarok Online is a free MMORPG from GRAVITY Co, Ltd. Released on August 31, 2002, it offers a unique 2D character model while offering a fully 3D FTP MMO world. There have been a number of expansions and updates for the game, and the world itself changes as a player advances in the storyline. The game is available on Windows only, and the system... more. -
LaTale Online
3 CommentsPosted by Limpy on January 14, 2011 under ReviewsLaTale is quite an interesting game, if you enjoy 2D fantasy side scrolling MMORPGs. Published by the OG Planet, LaTale is one of the better second generation 2D games that has been inspired by first generation 2D games, this game adds a lot of personality and panache to the entire genre of 2D fantasy games. Apart from having great game play, whe... more. -
Atlantica Online
2 CommentsPosted by Limpy on January 12, 2011 under ReviewsLaunched on October 30,2008, Atlantica Online is a free to play MMORPG from NDOORS Corporation. The game is available on the Windows platform and offers both a multiplayer and turn based style of gameplay. While set in the northern hemisphere, it has a sort of steampunk style alternate world that feels like something out of the world of HG Wells. ... more. -
Air Rivals
2 CommentsPosted by Limpy on January 7, 2011 under ReviewsAir Rivals might sound like an online version of those boring card games that we used to play in office free hours, long before there were MMOs or even free to play MMOs. MMOs have changed the face and the pace of computer gaming and taught us that computer games are more than those card games and even more than just any game. Air Rivals combines... more. -
2 CommentsPosted by Limpy on January 6, 2011 under ReviewsMost of the free to play MMORPGs don’t have any charm except the fact that they are free. Well, Flyff is one that breaks the convention. Developed by Aeonsoft (Gala labs), it is probably the only game which has been the game of the month (In Korea though). However, it now has a staggering six million active users worldwide. Although, it is cou... more. -
0 CommentsPosted by Limpy on January 5, 2011 under ReviewsAnother Asian MMORPG, Florensia could have just been tossed aside, but for the fact that it has been developed in Japan. Florensia is a self proclaimed ‘next gen MMORPG’ and a lot of ways, it lives up to its title. The one thing that sets this game apart from the others is that in Florensia, the players can chart both land and water. Unlike all o... more.
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