26 CommentsPosted by Limpy on March 13, 2012 under Browser Games, ReviewsNadirim is a free to play 2D fantasy MMORPG set in an Arabian mythological world. Many times we see games built in many fantasy backdrops, ranging from the Chinese Three Kingdoms to Mordor, but rarely has any game using an Arabian Nights setting for their game world. This is a nice change of pace from what has become very normal over the years. The real question becomes, is this change going to be... more. -
Blacklight Retribution Adds Another Map Containment
11 CommentsPosted by Limpy on March 7, 2012 under MMO NewsBlacklight Retribution, the free to play MMOFPS from Perfect World Entertainment, is still in Open Beta, but the game is already getting updates. Something that players love to see. The latest update is the newest map added to the game, a multi-level urban area filled with open containers, and abandoned structures. This being the second map already added to the game since the game went into Open B... more. -
World of Warplane Alpha Test Gameplay Sneak Peak
12 CommentsPosted by Limpy on March 6, 2012 under MMO NewsWargaming.net is lifting the veil from the World of Warplane Alpha test and showing gamers what they can expect from the games gameplay. World of Warplanes is set to be the next free to play WWII combat simulator from the company. Already announced are three factions of planes that players can earn and fly. With each of the three factions German, American, and Russian's having distinct differences... more. -
Blacklight Retribution
24 CommentsPosted by Limpy on March 5, 2012 under ReviewsFirst person shooter games have grown in popularity over the past half decade or so, with the genre being responsible for becoming the gateway gaming genre for many new gamers who have entered the market, male and female alike. Then you have the emergence of, what is becoming, a massive market in the free to play FPSMMO realm. With many major players bringing their well known console titles into t... more. -
Raiderz Alpha Test to Begin March 14th
19 CommentsPosted by Limpy on March 3, 2012 under MMO NewsRaiderz, the monster hunter free to play MMORPG from Perfect World Entertainment, has announced that the Alpha test for the game will begin March 14th 2012. Along with the Alpha test announcement Perfect World has launched the games official website. Players can go to the official website and register for the Alpha test by either signing up for a Perfect World account or using their existing accou... more. -
Realm of the Mad God
51 CommentsPosted by Limpy on March 2, 2012 under ReviewsSo often we as gamers find ourselves drawn to the latest shiny object, that being the game with the prettiest visuals. Many times only to find ourselves disappointed due to the fact that the game has a nice pretty shell, but is hallow on the inside. This of course is not the rule of thumb of course, but we have all either spent money on a game or spent time downloading a free to play title that we... more. -
Pandora Saga Brings Epic PVP/PVE to Steam
0 CommentsPosted by Limpy on March 2, 2012 under MMO NewsIn what has been quite the migration of free to play games to the Steam platform over the past few months. Atlus Online was not about to be left behind. Announcing today that they have added their free MMORPG Pandora Saga to the popular portal. With more and more free to play games being added to Steam in recent months, it is quickly becoming the goto portal for gamers. So if you have a Steam ... more. -
Shin Megami Tensei Imagine Coming This April to Atlus Online
36 CommentsPosted by Limpy on March 2, 2012 under MMO NewsAtlus Online is taking over control of the Shin Megami Tensei Imagine MMORPG beginning in April of 2012. The company announced that while there will be a small amount of downtime associated with the migration that all accounts will be transferred over, and players can expect the move to be as seamless as possible. Atlus Online has stated that they could not be more happy to be taking over and brin... more. -
R.O.H.A.N. Adds Item Recycling System to Upgrade Weapons
0 CommentsPosted by Limpy on March 1, 2012 under MMO NewsEver get tired of lugging around all those gray and white items, on top of that when you do sell them to the vendor they aren't worth hardly the space they took up in your bags? Rohan Blood Fued, the free to play MMORPG, has added a new feature for players to take unwanted items and recycle them into more powerful versions of their former selves. So it may actually be worth it now to hold on to so... more. -
Blacklight Retribution Enters Open Beta Testing Phase
0 CommentsPosted by Limpy on February 29, 2012 under MMO NewsPerfect World Entertainment has taken the lid off their much anticipated MMOFPS. Open Beta test is now up and running for all players looking to get a taste as to what has been a wild several months and many phases of the Closed Beta testing process. With Open Beta the game is adding several new multiplayer maps, new socketing and crafting system, and they will also be running several events and g... more.
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