March 12, 2025 | Free MMORPG and MMO Games List and Reviews - MMODen
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  • Jagged Alliance Online

    0 CommentsPosted by on April 16, 2012 under Browser Games, Reviews
    Jagged Alliance Online, the free to play browser based strategy MMO, is a throw back to the popular series from the 90s. The game gets a graphical revamp for the present day and is thrown into a free to play environment. While the game relies on some level of nostalgia, there are plenty of aspects that new players can enjoy and find to keep themselves entertained in today's much faster paced gamin... more.
  • Tribes Ascend Free to Play has Launched

    1 CommentsPosted by on April 16, 2012 under MMO News
    Tribes Ascend, the sci-fi free MMO shooter, has finally gone into full launch. The game has gone through many changes as it progressed through the testing phases. With the games developer and publisher using massive amounts of player feedback to tweak the game and make adjustments that were almost always player friendly. Now after logging some staggering statistics of over 575,000 beta participant... more.
  • Spirit Tales Adds Guild Islands

    0 CommentsPosted by on April 16, 2012 under MMO News
    Spirit Tales, the anime inspired free to play MMORPG coming soon from KoramGame, is adding Guild Islands to the game. Players who join a guild will have access to their guild island where there will be many buildings and features that will allow players to gain powerful buffs for use during their adventures, store and share equipment with other guild members, and even erect monument like statues t... more.
  • Forge of Empire Open Beta Arrives April 17th

    0 CommentsPosted by on April 12, 2012 under MMO News
    Forge of Empires, the free to play browser based MMO from InnoGames, is ready to enter the open beta testing phase and will do so April 17th. The game has experienced a high level of success through the closed beta phases and players who enjoyed access to that phase were overwhelmingly positive and so were the media outlets, including us. Beginning on April 17th the masses will be able to see what... more.
  • Pangya United Turns Three Years Old In-Game Events and New Items to Celebrate

    0 CommentsPosted by on April 12, 2012 under MMO News
    Pangya, the free to play anime inspired golf MMO, is celebrating its third year with style. Many players will get special gifts just for logging in during the games special event time that will last until April 25th. Additionally, players who enjoy their golf on the weekends will earn double exp for the next two weekends between 8am and 2pm PDT. There will be a third anniversary tournament on Apri... more.
  • World of Tanks Celebrates 1 Year with 24 Million Players

    0 CommentsPosted by on April 12, 2012 under MMO News
    World of Tanks, the free to play tank simulation MMO, is getting bigger and better by the day. Today the game is marking its one year anniversary, being launched on April 12th 2011. Since then the game has enjoyed many massive updates as well as a massive influx and constant stream of new players, to the tune of over 10,000 new players a day. If you have yet to play World of Tanks you are missing ... more.
  • Drakensang Online Free To Play MMORPG Passes 5 Million Players

    2 CommentsPosted by on April 10, 2012 under MMO News
    Drakensang Online, the free browser based MMORPG from Bigpoint, has hit a pretty major milestone for number of registered players. 5 million is certainly nothing to shake a stick at, and the game is being updated regularly and constantly seeing it's player base grow, giving players more and more friends to team up with and battle in the PVP areas. While the game is browser based it is certainly ge... more.
  • Dark Blood Coming Summer of 2012

    11 CommentsPosted by on April 6, 2012 under MMO News
    Outspark has announced that their newest game will be called Dark Blood. Dark Blood will be a free MMORPG that will be a fast paced hack n slash fighting game loaded with PVP and mature content for core gamers. The game is set to release this summer in North America and European zones. The backstory for the game is nothing new, a world torn apart by power and greed and you as the hero will be call... more.
  • Eligium Backstory Coming Together with Art and Screenshots

    0 CommentsPosted by on April 5, 2012 under MMO News
    Eligium, the free MMORPG from Frogster, wants to show players that even free to play games can have an indepth background and story that players can delve into and enjoy. Many free to play games have limited storylines or paths for players to truly follow through the games leveling. Frogster aimed to do that with Runes of Magic and looks to continue that tradition with Eligium. Right now the story... more.
  • Spirit Tales Ready for April Open Beta and Giveaway Set

    0 CommentsPosted by on April 5, 2012 under MMO News
    Spirit Tales, the upcoming free to play fantasy MMORPG from KoramGame, has stated that Open Beta is ready to open it's doors on April 25th 2012. Additionally, players who register for an account for the game between today and April 30th will have a chance to win more than $2000 in exclusive prizes. So register now and enter yourself for a chance to win some of these incredible prizes before the ga... more.
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